Monthly Archives: March 2011

This week we had JT’s presentation on computers. We went out to lunch afterward to Pita Pit, Hal of a Sub, and India Mahal. After lunch we will have EK and CP’s presentations. Then we will have Civics with Mrs. Bono, and we will have a special guest, Mrs. Chen she will talk to us about China. On Friday we are going to PLU to talk to professer Lytle about nanotechnology.

Last Friday we finished and presented our independent projects. We are reading three books right now, Out of Bounds, To Kill a Mockingbird, and On the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. If we finish all three books we will get to go to Seattle and have tea at the Panama Hotel. In PE today we played dogeball, this past week we have been working out in the weightroom.

Independent project

For this past month, the seabury middle school students have been working on somthing called our independent project. It is a project, essay, experiment or anything else! What I am working on is a skateboarding half pipe some of the propertys of my skateboarding halfpipe is it is six feet wide it is made out of quarter inch plywood and is approximately 20 feet long! it has been really fun woking on them and it is time to turn them in. all independent projects are due, march 25th!

Pi Day and Science Fair

Monday was the fourteenth of March, a.k.a 3/14, the day selected to be Pi Day, due to the numbers that compose it’s digits. In celebration of this, Mr. G brought three cherry pies. We also started our Civics classes, led by Mrs. Bono, and the focus this year is on International Law, different types of policies and governments around the world, and of course, current events.

Yesterday we took our science fair projects to the Lower school, which we presented as part of the science fair, along with the Lower school works. We also prepared a bake sale to raise donations for the Red Cross efforts in Japan and have raised over 138 dollars at the donation bucket at the Middle School.

Parent Teacher Conferences & Last Week

This week is going to be a short week, due to the fact that we have Parent Teacher Conferences. These will be occurring next Thursday, the tenth, and Friday, the eleventh. Next week the Science Fair will occur on the seventeenth at the lower school.

Last Saturday our D.I. team went to Rochester for their Regional Tournament. Destination Imagination is “an experience that brings people together and can tear them apart and really builds teamwork and it really helps people come together and is one of the most fun things you do in life,” so described David, an eighth grader at our school and a member of our D.I. team. The tournament however, for us, was a little bit harder because the team had not been in enough contact for the building challenge, since the scale was off, so the structure was overweight. However in the theatrical challenge Versus Foiled Again, with spy themed production.

We are also looking into Prezi, a online slide show program. But the most interesting highlight of academics would be our discussion of the Singularity, a point in time when computers will theoretically be smart enough to end the human era and begin their own, and not necessarily through violence. We looked at the Time article on it released February tenth, something I suggest you all read as well. Along with that Mr. G showed us an online article on nanotechnology, a.k.a machinery on the nano-scale, small enough to move atoms.

Hello blog readers, welcome to THE AMAZING SEABURY BLOG!!! Today we started off the day with current events in which we read the papers from previous days and discussed their articles. And while some are serious world news, others are trivial matters and such. After that, we had our usual block schedule then went out to lunch at the Pita Pit and Infinite Soups. Next we are having Tech and Science then hopefully we will finally finish the movie “Crying Freedom”.

Hello Seabury Bloggerees! Today (March 2nd), in honor of Doctor Seuss’ Birthday, we decided that we would take the first three blocks to read and work on our science fair projects. After that we went to the Y, and played crab soccer and bump. Crab soccer is a game where we pretty much play soccer but in “crab position” (while crab walking) and you kick the ball into goals on opposites sides of the gym. Today we’re going to Skype with Juan, who was an exchange student from Ecuador who lived with our good buddy Lars last year. Later on we will be finishing watching Cry Freedom. And that, good people, is our Wednesday here at the magical Seabury School.

Hi Seabury Blogg readers here is what we did yesterday, the 28th well first we started out with our usually Monday Schedule block 1 and block 2 then we went to the Y to exercise with our trainer/PE teacher R. C. Then we went back to the school, had block three, and then ate lunch. Then after Lunch we took our Africa test, where we were supposed to name all 53 countries of the continent. Then we watched Crying Freedom, a movie made in the 80’s about South Africa and Apartheid. After that we got the results of our Africa tests! In third place the magnificent JF, next came LN, and finally came EK with an amazing 50 country’s named. Then in the last hour of school we had time to work on our science fair projects and biographies! And that was our Monday!!!!