Monthly Archives: January 2014


In their research for their Model United Nations Topic: Access to Education for Persons With Disabilities, these young ladies contacted an organization in Israel that deals specifically with this topic. Today they received a care package all the way from Israel with lots of information. They will be one well prepared delegation. Way to go ladies!


Three words you don’t usually hear together: Israel, pirates and Spider-Man

It’s been quite a start to 2014 here at Seabury Middle School. We’ve had visits from Hen Mazzig and Molly Schoppert (who just happens to be A.K.M’s cousin) from Stand With Us, an Israeli organization that supports Israel around the world. They are helping our students representing Israel in the Model UN. Click here for more information on their organization:

We also celebrated First Friday with the lower school for Pirate Day. Some of our middle schoolers taught the crowd some pirate-speak. Did you know that an egg in Piratese is called a cackle fruit? You truly learn something new everyday here.

We’ve begun our 6 week art program with local artist Gabriel Brown. Gabriel will be guiding the students through drawing essentials and making mandalas out of e-waste. Of course, every art lesson should start off with a visit from Spidey!

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