Monthly Archives: December 2011

The Seabury Maze

The Seabury Maze (Link to game)

In technology and integrated arts class last week students created an experimental Scratch lab.  Scratch is a programming language used to create interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art that can be shared on the web.  Students used class time to workshop their projects together; sharing ideas and learning from each others advancements along the way.  The Seabury Maze game was created by Ivonne in collaboration with her peers!  We hope you will follow the link above and enjoy the game.

Weekly Update 12-9-2011

Upcoming Events and Other Important Dates:

Today! Progress reports have been sent home. Please check your students’ Friday Folders.

December 16- Early release:  Student out at 11:30. We’ve got a fun day planned!

Gift Exchange: We be doing a gift exchange in the morning (Students picked a “Secret Santa”out of a hat yesterday) Spending limit  is no more than $15! Students are encouraged to  purchase a gift for around $5.

Ice skating:  We will then go down to the Franciscan Polar Plaza and go ice skating! We are asking that students bring in $10 which will cover the cost of skating and skate rentals. If  students have their own skates, they may bring them and pay only $8. Hot Chocolate is for sale there for an additional $2.  What a fun way to start the holiday break!

January 3: School Resumes

January 11: Open Arts Studio Lessons Begin: (6 weeks of classes, Mondays and Wednesdays)

January 13: End of Semester

January 20: Report Cards

8th Grade Families: Please remember to submit all high school application forms to Halley. She will give them to teachers to fill out their portions and keep them organized.  Please submit all paperwork 2 weeks before you need it.