Monthly Archives: December 2015

Brief Update 12.11.15

It’s been a busy week at the middle school as we’re getting closer to Winter Break. Over the past couple weeks, students were reading myths that native peoples all over the world have written about volcanoes and earthquakes. Last week and this week, they got a chance to write their own myths. Math has been moving along as well. Geometry students have been working on ways of proving triangles are congruent and writing proofs, while Algebra students have been working on writing equations of parallel and perpendicular lines in point-slope, slope-intercept, and standard form. In Social Studies, students are working in small groups on various topics related to Washington State history. They’ll be writing papers and making presentations on these topics before the end of the semester.

Field Studies and a very happy Thanksgiving

One of the tenets of Seabury Middle School is using the community around us as an extension of our classroom. This takes many forms throughout the school year- using the YMCA for PE, partnering with local experts and organizations, and utilizing the resources around us to connect with our curriculum on a deeper level.

We’ve had quite a few field studies lately! To supplement our study of Washington state history, we rode the light rail down to the history museum to look at the Clovis points and explore their exhibits about Isaac Stevens and the first Europeans in WA state.





We also had the opportunity to go to the Seattle Art Museum to check out their impressionist exhibit as an introduction to impressionist painting in art class.


Also, this year we got to join the Lower School at their annual Thanksgiving feast! We kept the usual middle school traditions in the morning (having a read in and watching “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving”), and then headed over to the lower school’s campus where we spent some time in the makers’ space and had quite the feast!



