Monthly Archives: March 2013

Would you climb K2?

Yesterday, Seabury Middle Schoolers had the chance to hear Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner speak at a National Geographic Live! event at Benaroya Hall in Seattle. She is the first woman to climb all the the world’s 8,000 meter peaks without supplemental oxygen. As, we heard her riveting tale of climbing K2, many of us gripped our chairs and huddled in our warm coats, not sure it would be the kind of adventure we’d want. However, her message of living your dreams and working with your teammates to achieve your goals was something we could all relate to.

After the presentation, we took advantage of the great weather and had lunch at the Seattle Center’s fountain. No one got totally wet, a miracle!

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Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

It’s been a busy week at the Middle School! We’ve been hard at work on Science Fair Projects, Debate arguments, and our Auction projects. Today we went over to the Lower School for First Friday and celebrated Dr. Seuss’ Birthday with a pajama day, read-in, and Dr. Seuss trivia. Have a great weekend!